ABR and Forestry

Algonquin Park is the only provincial park in Ontario that continues to allow logging within its boundaries. Most components of the park's recreational backcountry are interwoven, as a network of watercourses and "area-of-concern" setbacks, within the park's extensive logged areas.

While the Algonquin Backcountry Recreationalists do not take a pro- or anti-position on logging within the park, they do actively represent backcountry recreationalists' interests as they may be impacted by logging operations.

The ABR regularly participates in review, input and advisory processes related to forestry plans and operations.

The ABR also supports those aspects of the Joint Proposal (of the OPB/AFA) for "Lightening the Ecological Footprint of Logging in Algonquin Park" and the resulting proposed amendment to the Algonquin Park Management Plan, which would establish increased protective non-logging set-back zones and areas-of-concern which would improve wilderness-like recreational experiences in the backcountry of Algonquin Park.

The ABR has no intention to take on an environmental-activist role. However, it is concerned with the overall ecological integrity of the park .. as it relates to the preservation of natural landscapes, soundscapes, wildlife and fisheries .. all important elements of the backcountry recreationalists' "wilderness-like" experience.

January, 2012 .. The Algonquin Forestry Authority prepared to update its Canadian Standards Association Sustainable Forest Management certification.

The ABR accepted the AFA's invitation to sit on the CSA Advisory Group as a representative of recreationalists interests. Six CSA Advisory Group meetings through 2012 established the "VOIT's" (values, objectives, indicators and targets) which formed the framework of the AFA's new CSA-SFM compliancy.

The ABR's 2012-2014 participation in the CSA Advisory Group procedures is detailed in this "Forestry" section's menu to the left.

The Algonquin Forestry Association's website contains details explaining public participation in the advisory group toward the certification of sustainable forest management at .. www.algonquinforestry.on.ca .

The ABR's previous involvement in forestry review, input and advisory processes includes the following ...

November, 2011 ... Request submitted to AFA that more haulage route information (Spring/Fall haulage routes) be included in the AFA's Schedule of Operations map. The AFA agreed to provide this extra information, which will allow recreationalists to better avoid unpleasant noises associated with logging operations. - Read more -

May, 2011 ... Submission made, to both Algonquin Park Management and the Algonquin Forestry Authority, expressing concerns over two recommendations contained in the AFA's Year 10 Annual Report for the Algonquin Park Forest - Read more -

March, 2010 ... Number of concerns submitted, culminating with a 13-page commentary on the background information of a proposed ammendment to the Algonquin Park Management Plan .. involving comparisons between the 2009 Canoe Route Map and the OPB/AFA Joint Proposal High Definition Map. - Read more -

January, 2010 ... Nine-page report submitted regarding The Algonquin Park 2010-2020 Forest Management Plan, including concerns over specific loggings roads' proximities to backcountry values and concerns over both selection methodology and the conduct of public participation in the planning process. - Read more -

August, 2009 ... Submission made to the 2010-2020 Algonquin Park Forest Management Plan Stage 3. The ABR Submission to the 2010-2020 Algonquin Park Forest Management Plan Stage 3 was officially submitted on August 26th, 2009. - Read more -

April, 2009 ... Detailed submission of commenting made to the Algonquin Park FMP Planning Team, in response to Appendix 3 of the Summary of Long Term Management Direction for the 2010-2020 Forest Management Plan. - Read more -

October, 2008 ... Presentation made to the Chairs of the Ontario Parks Board of Directors and the Algonquin Forestry Authority Board of Directors, the ABR's position regarding the Recommendations of the Ontario Parks Board ... "Lightening The Ecological Footprint of Logging In Algonquin Park". - Read more -

April, 2008 ... Letter sent to the Minister of Natural Resources, supporting specific components of the Recommendations of the Ontario Parks Board for "Lightening The Ecological Footprint of Logging In Algonquin Park". - Read more -

April, 2008 ... Letters sent to officials participating in the 2010-2020 Forest Management Plan .. requesting that, while consultation is underway, the AFA recognize specific recommendations of Ontario Parks Board's "Lightening The Ecological Footprint of Logging In Algonquin Park" in its Long-term Strategic Direction, subject to modifications that may arise from the consultation and planning process. - Read more -