www.AlgonquinAdventures.comPreserve and Protect Algonquinwww.AlgonquinAdventures.com

Report Incidents

Reports of incidents involving regulation infractions and other destructive practices can be submitted to Preserve and Protect Algonquin's Incident Log by two methods.

An email can be sent to canoe@algonquinadventures.com . This method allows for the attachment of illustrating photo or diagram files. Image files will be resized to fit within the Incident Log layout. So to speed email transmission, please moderate their file size before sending. The necessary information includes: full name, return email address (if different from originating), your originating area (city, town or county and province or state), where the incident occurred, when the incident occurred, details of the incident and your remarks pertaining to the incident. Your mailing address and phone number are optional information and won't appear in the Incident Log.

Alternatively, you can mail the report (and any snapshots or diagrams) to . . .

    Barry Bridgeford
    113 Temperance Street
    Aurora, Ontario
    L4G 2R2

If a report's information is inadequate or appears inappropriate, the sender will be contacted in an effort to clarify the situation. Only those reports that appear forthright and sincere will be considered for inclusion in the Incident Log. Because the effectiveness of this initiative requires accuracy and honesty, this discretion has to be applied.