Resources .. Websites .. Books
Wildland Recreation (Ecology and Management)Wildland Recreation (Ecology and Management) .. by William Hammitt and David Cole .. is a widely recognized textbook on the management of natural and wilderness recreational areas. This is the second edition of the original which was published in 1987. In the twenty years since its first edition, wildland recreation has increased tremendously. Even though 10 years old, this second edition is still a valuable source of information for anyone interested in the topic. Even though the book refers to examples all across North America, its information is still pertinent to the Algonquin experience. Well written in understandable language, it gives the reader good insight as to how chronic overuse and abuse can ruin any wildland recreational area. While being touted as a "working resource for wildland recreation management professionals and a comprehensive course text for students of forest and natural resources recreation, park management, environmental conservation, and related disciplines" .. it can still be easily appreciated by the average person. Unfortunately, being a serious textbook, it is priced rather high. But a visit to your local library may pay off.
Hardcover: 376 pages |
Algonquin Provincial ParkThe official website of Algonquin Park is operated by the Friends of Algonquin Park .. established in 1983 as a registered, non-profit organization. The Friends operate as a cooperating association under an agreement with the Ontario Parks to enhance the educational and interpretive programs in Algonquin Park. Amongst the FOA's best known publications are its "full-colour big-book" series, the park's annual "Information Guide" and the yearly-updated "Canoe Route Map". |
Algonquin Forestry Authority"Committed to ensuring the long-term health of Algonquin's forests" .. The Algonquin Forest Authority (AFA) is the Ontario Crown Agency responsible for sustainable forest management in Algonquin Provincial Park. Planning for Forest Management Operations in Algonquin Park is conducted under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act (1995) and the Ministry of Natural Resources' Forest Management Planning Manual for Ontario's Crown Forests (2004). Forest Management Plans (FMP) are prepared over a two year period prior to commencement of operations. AFA is currently operating under the approved 2005-2025 FMP for Algonquin Park. |
Algonquin Eco WatchAlgonquin Eco Watch is a non-profit charitable environmental protection organization dedicated to "assess, protect and sustain the Algonquin Ecosystem for the future". There is a natural tendency to assume that since most of the Algonquin Ecosystem is located within Algonquin Park, its future is assured by the protection afforded under the Parks Act. Such is not the case however, as there are many subtle factors which may lead to the long-term degradation of the ecosystem if they are not identified and adequately dealt with in a timely manner. |
Algonquin Park residents AssociationThe Algonquin Park Residents Association (APRA) was founded in 1968. It's mission is to: - Encourage the establishment of a long-sighted and firm policy for the protection of animal life, the preservation of the natural beauty of the entire Park, and particularly the Algonquin heartland. - Actively support the provision and maintenance of recreational areas for the enjoyment of all persons without discrimination as to income, age, vitality and health. - Act united in all matters concerning the common rights and interests of leaseholders in Algonquin Park. |
Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 ● ONTARIO REGULATION 347/07 ● PROVINCIAL PARKS: GENERAL PROVISIONS This is the legislated regulation under which Algonquin Park is governed. |
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This is a major paper submitted in July of 2012 to the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University. It includes the author's review of Algonquin Park's visitor management planning. |
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Algonquin Park The Human Impact - published in 2009 by Algonquin Eco Watch Editor: David Euler Co-editor: Mike Wilton .. 12 MB file Of particular interest to backcountry recreationalists is its "Chapter 4 - Visitor and Tourism Management in Algonquin Provincial Park: The Past, Present and Future" by Paul F. J. Eagles and Grace A. A. Bandoh. |