Iron-on Patch Downloads
The first two are enhanced renderings of the website's logo .. produced and contributed by Markus Rubino. The smaller size is suitable for an iron-on patch for the pocket or shoulder of a t-shirt. The larger size is suitable for an iron-on patch across the back of a t-shirt. It's hoped that by adorning our camping shirts with the logo we will both promote the website and be able to recognize each other as readers should we cross paths in the park. Feel free to distribute and use them. The only restrictions are that since its "domain name content" is registered to Barry Bridgeford and its image is the recognized logo of, these iron-on patch images aren't to be used for commercial gain.
Click on the this image to download a 1200 x 162 pixel original.
Click on the this image to download a 2400 x 323 pixel original.
This variation was initially produced by "Mike B" for the "2006 White Partridge Express" t-shirts which he presented to the group. It's simplified colour style is definitely more legible at a distance, particularly on t-shirts or campsite flags.
Click on the this image to download a 1200 x 1340 pixel original.
The next two originate from 2005. They are adaptations by Barry Bridgeford of the 'favicon' that appears in your web-browser's location field when you visit the Algonquin Adventures website. These graphics are perhaps more suited to canoe or truck emblems, which aren't subject to the distracting folding of cloth.
Click on the this image to download a 1200 x 1200 pixel original.
Click on the this image to download a 1200 x 1305 pixel original.
Educational Posters
A few years back, Doug Vance created a set of three "Preserve and Protect Algonquin" posters. Doug's posters are intended to be printed on vertical letter-size sheets. Click on each image to download its PDF file. Printouts of these are good rec-room decorations. When laminated, they can even be used outdoors as campsite reminders.