Photo Shows

Updated Nov. 1, 2023


Ash Phipps has recorded a pair of unique photo-essays ...

September of 2021
Tom Thomson Memorial, Mowat Mill, Gilmour Lumber Mill, Railway Trestle, and Camp Minnesing .. in the Canoe Lake, Potter Creek and Burnt Island Lake area.

May of 2023
Cabin ruins on Hurdman Cr., Mink Station remains on Cauchon L., various ruins on Little Cauchon L. and more ruins on Cedar L.


September Visit to Pen Lake

(Click-on for large sizes.)

West shore of Pen Lake

Lichen on the rocks

Madawaska River out of Pen

East shore overhanging cliff


Mike Last has photographed some great galleries of Algonquin Park pictures. He's been canoe tripping since the age of seven and has been pursuing photography since 2002.

Mike's Algonquin Park galleries can be found at his website .. .. with topics including the Barron Canyon, the Canoe Lake Area and Dayhike Trails.


"Neelands" has produced a number of photo galleries of his Algonquin Park canoe trips on the Smugmug website.

While they also serve as photo trip-logs, they comprise a wonderful collection of Algonquin Park photos in their own right, starting in 2012 and proceeding to the present.

In addition, each trip's photos can be viewed as a high definition slideshow.


In June of 2012, Barry Bridgeford enjoyed a solo 6-day canoe trip to Clydegale Lake. Rather than a conventional trip-log, he compiled a 40-image photo-essay of his get-away ... Solo To Clydegale Lake.

"Amongst the photos' captions are ... "At the north end of Clydegale, this moose was chomping weeds. I had to struggle to keep the wind from blowing me back towards him." ... "Across the south bay I could see a moose feeding, not realizing at the time that two light-coloured wee-ones were just behind their 'Mom'." ... "Arising early, I was able to catch the mist being burned off the swampy bay to the east." ... "By early afternoon, the wind was up again .. but this time with blue sky and puffy white clouds!"

The rest of this section contains sequential presentations (with text) of photographs taken by the host of this site.

Some of these slide shows deal with a theme, while others document a specific canoe trip or hiking trail.