Terms of Service - Expectations, Rules and Restrictions for the Algonquin Adventures ForumAs of May 2, 2013 new protocols were set for the forum. An 'AA Forum Group' was being compiled, containing the Login-ID's (200+) of recognized forum users. These users will continue to be able to make immediate postings on the forum. Those not included in the group will continue to be able to submit postings which will be subject to moderation and delayed processing. Their participation will be reviewed and their inclusion in the forum group considered. To formally apply for inclusion in the 'AA Forum Group', please submit your request (along with your Network54 Login-ID) using your regular email address .. to info@algonquinadventures.com . Only some of the forum group's email addresses are on file. So unless forum users include their email address in their posts, there may be no way to communicate with them privately. Note: If you've lost your Network54 login ID and/or password, visit this page to have them emailed to the email address you submitted upon your registration. Expectations 1) This forum is intended to be a "family-friendly" opportunity for Algonquin Park campers, canoeists, hikers and naturalists to share information. By submitting or posting any information, comments, opinions, statements, advice, services, offers, data, files, links, ideas, software, images or any other form of content or information, you are expected to adhere to the expectations, rules and restrictions outlined on this page. 2) This forum is not a venue for "argument", "debate" or "inappropriate comments". The Algonquin Adventures Forum is a free service, provided by Algonquin Adventures (aka-Barry Bridgeford). Toward retaining this forum's "family-friendly" qualities and toward keeping it "on-topic", the forum's team of moderators can exercise a number of controls over its content and accessibility. 3) The "Where In Algonquin" threads, in which the location of where a photo was taken, offer enjoyable entertainment on the forum. Please try to pick a photo that has either a recognizable feature or some sort of visual "indicator" from which some "deductions" can be guessed at. In other words, "Not too hard or frustrating." 4) This forum is not a venue for "ongoing personal-chit-chat", for "chronicling daily activities" or for "extended and/or detailed planning of social events". Group emailing and social networking websites are the appropriate online venues in which to pursue those needs. (Updated April 21st, 2013) 5) Rambling, assumptive, poorly researched or pedantic postings don't serve to share useful information. They only serve to "put-off" readers or generate tensions. An honest admission of "not knowing" and an accompanying request for help, is a far-better means of fostering the exchange of valid information. 6) Concerns about or criticisms of forum postings should not be posted on the forum, as they only serve to add antagonism, provocation and confrontation to the thread. Rather, such communications should be emailed to the forum moderators. Any such antagonistic, provocative or confrontational forum postings will be edited or deleted by the moderators. 7) Leave No Trace Skills and Ethics ... As the operator of the Algonquin Adventures website and forum, I have continually tried to foster responsible practices by Algonquin campers. In 2002 I promoted a "Preserve and Protect" initiative, which is archived in the website's Resources section. Subsequently in 2007, I initiated the formation of the Algonquin Backcountry Recreationalists and continue to serve on its Executive Committee. It's "Reduce Our Impact" initiative was also an effort to foster responsible practices by Algonquin campers. Now that Leave No Trace has become an official program of Algonquin Park, now that LNT is being formally promoted by the ABR, and now that Algonquin Adventures has also entered into formal partnership with LNT Canada .. well, I believe its fair to say that I have a strong investment in trying to do the right thing for Algonquin. I invite Algonquin Adventures forum users to discuss how they effectively practice specific Leave No Trace skills and ethics. Alternatively, if a reader wishes to share a constructively critical detail regarding a specific LNT skill or ethic, I expect them to share it directly either with the ABR or park management. However, it is my position that overt criticism of LNT or ridicule of its supporters doesn't have a place on the Algonquin Adventures forum. Such negative postings will be considered as inflammatory and disruptive provocations. (Barry Bridgeford January 5th, 2011) 8) Debate and/or presentation of overtly "anti-" and/or "pro-" logging sentiments is not acceptable on this forum. However, posting about specific logging-related activities (such as the logging museum, harvesting locations, haulage routes, individual instances, information venues) are acceptable. (Updated Nov. 5th, 2012) 9) Civility ... Compliance with rules #1 to 4 is paramount in keeping the forum "civil". Such otherwise "uncivil" postings occur when either .. someone "names" another and then proceeds to criticize them directly .. or someone "names" someone, misrepresents that person's opinion and then proceeds to criticize that "misrepresentation", thereby provoking the person who's opinion they are misrepresenting. Only "information" should be directly addressed on the forum. "Personal" criticisms and provocations are not acceptable. Forum Rules When submitting or posting content to this forum, you are expected to .. 1. not post inflammatory or defamatory statements.2. not post personally critical or argumentative statements. 3. not harass, threaten or intentionally embarrass another forum visitor. 4. not use an offensive word, name, abbreviation or acronym. 5. not submit or post any content deemed pornographic or obscene. 6. not post hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable content. 7. not post content which infringes another's copyright, trademark or tradesecret. 8. not post unsolicited advertising, solicitation or recruitment. 9. not impersonate another person. 10. not engage in disruptive activity such as sending multiple messages in an effort to monopolize the forum. 11. not 'copy-paste' extensive passages (spam) from other websites or forums, without providing a detailed explanation and context for such use. 12. not violate any federal, provincial, municipal, international law or regulation. 13. not encourage conduct that would constitute a criminal or statutory offence. 14. not criticize or complain about business operators. 15. not encourage, promote or positively describe street-drug or alcohol use. 16. not overtly promote specific political parties or platforms. 17. not overtly promote specific religious beliefs or practices. 18. not initiate, invite or provoke discussion of controversial social or political issues not related to Algonquin Park. 19. not promote the contravention of park rules or regulations. 20. not use the name "Algonquin Adventures" in conjunction with unsanctioned group activities. 21. not post messages unrelated to Algonquin Park. Reporting of Infractions of Park Regulations If you believe you have located online evidence of infractions of park regulations, make sure you have first secured evidence of the infractions. One method is to obtain comprehensive "screen-captures" of the online evidence of the infractions and convert them to well-detailed JPG image files complete with location information, which can then speak for themselves. Such evidence of infractions of park regulations should then be forwarded to the proper authorities. This forum is not the venue to specifically name individuals in such situations, particularly without visual evidence of purported infractions. Fishing Information Restriction (Updated May 6th, 2012) Over time, the forum community has developed the following policy. Those lakes which are identified on the MNR Fish Stocking List may be identified in forum postings. However, lakes that aren't on the MNR Fish Stocking List should not be identified if their area is 60 hectares or less, so as to help minimize possible impacts on native trout populations. Likewise, no "hot spot" locations (such as points, bays or co-ordinates) should be identified on any lakes regardless of their status. Reference to watersheds, lake groups and larger lake locations in general are acceptable .. but nothing more specific. To help forum users conform to this restriction, here's the link to the MNR Fish Stocking List and random examples of smaller lake sizes ... Bissett 105 hectaresRence 92 hectares Hayes 75 hectares Godda 60 hectares Fraser 50 hectares Shrew 40 hectares Wildlife Information Restriction It is also important (in the interest of minimizing impacts on wildlife populations) to not post specific wildlife breeding or gathering locations. References to general areas, watersheds, lakes and general habitats are acceptable .. but nothing more specific. Readers are reminded of the Leave No Trace principle "Respect Wildlife" which includes observing wildlife from a distance and not following or approaching them. No Liability For Content 1. Algonquin Adventures is not responsible for content. Any form of content expressed or made available to visitors of the forum are those of the respective author(s) or distributor(s) and not of Algonquin Adventures. Algonquin Adventures neither endorses nor guarantees the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any such content. Monitoring Algonquin Adventures shall have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor the content of the forum. Algonquin Adventures shall have the right in its sole discretion to edit, or remove any content submitted to or posted in the forum; and also shall have the right to remove any material it finds to be in violation of the above provisions or otherwise objectionable; and also shall have the right to block associated IP addresses. Notwithstanding this right of Algonquin Adventures, the content author shall remain solely responsible for their content posted to the forum and forum users acknowledge and agree that Algonquin Adventures shall not assume nor have any liability for any action or inaction by itself with respect to any conduct, communication or posting in the forum or any of its content. Contact Concerns over a specific posting can be emailed to forum moderators. |
Updated February 15, 2015