2015 Paddling Trip-log Contest Results
The entries were judged in their very same forms as presented by the links below. Each entry's document file's text content was copy-pasted into a consistent HTML template and each entry's image files were simply inserted into that same template. There have been no editorial spelling, punctuation or grammatical corrections to the submitted text content. Likewise, there have been no editorial enhancements or post-processing to the submitted image files. Editorial measures may be exercised prior to the submitted trip-logs being officially incorporated into Algonquin Adventures' Trip-log Inventory and/or the winning trip-logs being utilized on the Algonquin Outfitters website. In a couple of instances, an 'editorial comments' bar follows the end of a trip-log due to an important issue being included in the trip-log. Category 1 – WEST ZONE - 1 Kawawaymog Lake, 2 Tim River, 3 Magnetawan Lake, 4 Rain Lake, 29 Kioshkokwi Lake (Kiosk) First prize to Shawn O'Reilly for his Solo Tim River – Nipissing River – Burntroot – Tim Lake Loop Second prize to Wanda Spruyt for her Tim River To Rosebary Lake The balance of the entries in Category 1 were from ... Cathy Quigg , of her Kiosk 7-Day Loop (Cathy already won in Category 2) Dan Minkin , of his Kiosk-Club Lake Loop Category 2 – NORTH ZONE - 23 Lake Lake Travers, 24 Bissett Creek Road, 25 Wendigo Lake, 26 North River, 27 Cedar Lake (Brent), 28 Brain Lake First prize to Cathy Quigg for her Cedar-Little Cedar-Aura Lee-Laurel-Little Cauchon-Carl Wilson In-and-Out The balance of the entries in Category 2 were from ...Brandon Peek , of his T62: Little Cauchon – Erables – Nadine – Nipissing River (Brandon already won in Category 3) Category 3 – EAST ZONE - 17 Shall Lake, 18 Aylen Lake, 19 Basin Lake, 20 Mallard Lake (Sec), 21 McManus Lake, 22 Grand Lake (Achray) First prize to Craig White for his Sec Lake Boys Trip . . . August 2015 Second Prize to Brandon Peek for his T58: Little Carcajou – Carcajou – Greenleaf The balance of the entries in Category 3 were from ... Cathy Quigg , of her Grand-Carcajou Bay-Lower Spectacle-Upper Spectacle-Little Carcajou In-and-Out (Cathy already won in Category 2) Category 4 – SOUTH ZONE - 13 Galeairy Lake (Whitney), 14 Hollow River – Dividing Lake, 15 Kingscote Lake, 16 Haye Lake First prize to Marko Mrkobrada for his Access 14b: Dagger Lake - Dividing Lake - McGarvey Lake Loop (2 nights) Second prize to Brian Clarke for his East to West South of 60 (Whitney to Tea Lake Campground) Category 5 – MIDDLE ZONE - 5 Canoe Lake, 6 Smoke Lake, 7 Source Lake, 8 Cache Lake, 9 Rock Lake, 10 Sunday Creek (+ Sunday L.), 11 Opeongo Lake, 12 Pinetree Lake First prize to Gordon Gair and Aislynn Shanahan for their The Rock - Welcome - Louisa Loop Second prize to Ralph Neelands for his McIntosh - White Trout - Big Trout - Otterslide - Burnt Island The balance of the entries in Category 5 were from … Cobi Erin Sharpe , of her Opeongo-Big Crow-Hogan-Red Pine-Big Trout-Happy Isle Loop Cam Penman , of his Opeongo - Happy Isle - Merchant - Big Trout - Longer - Burntroot (Red Pine Bay) - Hogan - Big Crow - Little Crow - Proulx – Opeongo Dan Minkin , of his Smoke Lake-Parkside Bay Loop February 5th, 2016 |