![]() Landing Topography of under-water approach: At the east side of the campsite's point, an area of smooth granite provides an opportunity to step out of a canoe one at a time. Impediments to disembarking from and/or unloading a canoe: Once the canoe is held tight to the rock landing, gear can be unloaded on to the same rock area relatively easily. Topography to tent sites: The majority of the campsite is level with its landing area. A large bit of bedrock on the east side of the point provides a good landing and unloading area ... Looking across the east half of the campsite, with firepit to the left and landing area to the right ... Campsite Campsite maintenance: regular Size of open area: Large open area is exposed to the weather. Extent of tree cover: Forest edge to the north provides a couple of small semi-sheltered areas. Degree of levelness: Mostly quite level. Somewhat irregular into the rear wooded area. Number of level tent sites: Easily nine freestanding solo tent sites, or less larger ones. North exposure: Totally blocked from the north wind by the forest. East exposure: Quite open to the east wind. South exposure: Quite open to the south wind. West exposure: Quite open to the west wind and sunset view. A large grass area provides sites for freestanding tents ... The southwest view .. toward the channel from Fawn Lake ... The west view .. toward an island and the channel to Tom Thomson Lake ... General description: This campsite is a grassy point, exposed to the sun and wind on three sides. In good weather, its a wonderful site. However, in windy and/or wet conditions it offers little protection or opportunities to string up tarps. Overall accessibility: As long as one is sure-footed when coming ashore to the rock landing, the site is quite accessible. This campsite could serve as an OK one-night stopover as long as bad weather wasn't expected. However, its lack of protection from the elements is a serious drawback. Note: In February of 2020, Wanda Spruyt submitted a PCI report of this campsite, clearly showing some changed conditions between June of 2008 and September of 2019. The trees along the shore have undergone some serious growth. In so doing, they cast more shade upon the point's shoreline and open area. The open area was lush with green springtime grass in the earlier visit. After 11 years of continued use, more shade and summertime dryness .. the open area definitely appears "less green". Over those same 11 years, the inland trees have developed a denser canopy, which along with continued use has shaded the forest floor and helped in reducing ground-level growth. Following are Wanda's photos of conditions existing in September of 2019, plus a photo from a 1994 canoe trip when much of the point was covered in small pines and deciduous bushes. Collectively. this report's photos illustrate the pronounced changes in vegetation possible over a quarter century! 2019 view of the campsite from off-shore. All the trees are now much fuller! ... 2019 - Shoreline pines have grown and lost their ground-level branches, revealing a sandy beach landing ... 2019 - More shade from the shoreline pines has reduced a once grassy area ... 2019 - Inland trees have developed a denser canopy and a more open under-story ... 1994 - The SW view a quarter century ago, much of the point was covered in small pines, bushes and grass ...
Submission May, 2013 by Barry Bridgeford .. visited June, 2008 Updates to original submission February, 2020 Photo #1: by Bill Warren |