Booth Lake Campsite #6


Topography of under-water approach: Sandy beach extends far to the east and west of the campsite.

Impediments to disembarking from and/or unloading a canoe: No impediments.

Topography to tent sites: A very slight sandy slope.

The beach continues eastward from the campsite landing ...

The beach also continues westward from the campsite landing ...

The beach continues even further westward, all the way to the next campsite ...

The rise from the beach to the campsite is soft sand. An open grass area is to the east ...


Campsite maintenance: regular

Size of open area: large.

Extent of tree cover: Substantial shade over the half of the campsite with the firepit.

Degree of levelness: very level.

Number of level tent sites: Tentsite areas for many tents.

North exposure: Forest blocks the north wind very well.

East exposure: The island forest blocks direct east winds. Sunrise takes a while to work its way into the campsite.

South exposure: The few trees between the tentsites and the lake are bare-trunked tall pines. South winds can blow straight into the campsite. The beach is a sun-lover's paradise!

West exposure: The line of view westward along the beach provides a decent summer sunset.

Early morning view over the firepit benches and across the lake, due south ...

West of the firepit/bench area is the main tentsite area...

Beyond the firepit area the view is open, south across the lake ...

General description: This campsite is ideal for large or family groups .. particularly those who like a sunny beach exposure.

When using the 'thunderbox', one should keep one's ears 'cocked'. as an old seldom-used hiking trail of sorts runs close by!

Overall accessibility: Very easy to unload at the beach, with an easy walk to the actual campsite.

For years, the "low-leaning pine" has served as a landmark for this campsite. How much longer it will survive is anyone's guess.

Thanks to Jeffrey McMurtrie of Jeff'sMap for supplying the base-layer map component by Creative Commons licensing.

Submission May, 2013 by Barry Bridgeford .. visited July, 2012